Thursday, November 8, 2012

Timeline of a breastfed baby

As the stress of a new job/career path and life and trying to the be the best mom and wife (and daughter and sister and friend) that I can be is taking its toll on me, combined with a lack of ample time to pump while at work,  I have sadly noticed a little decrease in my breastmilk supply.
What a sucky feeling!!

Needless to say (I'm sure other breastfeeding mamas out there will empathize), I have been beating myself up about this and feeling seriously distraught.  Especially after reading this great article!  


Thankfully he's eating 3 solid meals per day.
Yet, I'm so hoping to make it to that one year mark,
praying to make it at least to 9 months!

Any tips out there to get us through?

~image via


  1. Sabryna (Charlotte, NC)November 9, 2012 at 10:20 AM

    I just stumbled on your blog. I'm loving it . . . thank you for your fun and honest posts. Bookmarking it now.
    Keep up to good work. Breastfeeding is so demanding, especially for a working mom. My personal experience: I started my cycle after 5 months after my daughter was born. My milk production went way down. I was pumping twice at work and I even got up in the wee hours of the morning, while everyone slept, to pump. Keep putting demand on the system, my engineer husband, told me. I drank 4 cups Mother's Milk tea ( and took More Milk Plus supplements ( . . . anything to get to that 1 year mark. Finally, I reached the 10 month mark. I was doing everything I could possibly do (pumping for 30 minutes) with only 5oz total. Big sigh. I was putting so much stress on myself- my boobs gave up. I transitioned to formula. She was happy. Mom was happy. Everyone is healthy. One bit of advice. If you are eating everything you want while you are breastfeeding because you can do that as a breastfeeding woman . . . you may want to get control of your eating at least 1 month before you transition. Good Luck. Keep us posted with your journey.

  2. Thanks for the great insight, Sabryna! I've been drinking the tea (along with perhaps old wives' tales Gatorade and an occasional dark beer). And my husband is also an engineer and says the same thing about supply and demand. ;) Still hanging in there and still hoping to make it to that 1 year mark! But won't beat myself up if I can't, knowing I gave it my best! Thanks for following my blog - hope you continue to enjoy it.
