Friday, November 2, 2012

The Friday Five

my automatic blog posts decided not to go through the past 2 days.
Did you think I'd died?
Succumbed to the craziness that is also known as my new life?
Well....basically, yes.  Yes I did.
And now the really great posts I had lined up for Halloween and the huzz's birthday have done gone to waste.  Also, I am sleep-deprived from dealing with a week-long baby ear infection + this new job.  My house is messy.  I will be giving my man belated birthday gifts.  I contemplated not showering this morning due to extreme exhaustion.
Mom fail, wife fail, blogger fail.
Fail, fail, fail.
But I am back.
It is Friday.
And in that, let us all rejoice and be glad.

Ryan Bingham
How can a voice that sounds like it spent it's entire life smoking Newport's, drinking Sriracha, eating dusty cat dander, and screaming bloody murder sound so damn good?

Aside:  While this song is good, this one is still my favorite from that movie.

Boots + Skirts
Well, pretty much boots in general.
'Tis the season!

Sick Baby Survival
Seen on Pinterest, and perfect for a busy crazed mom
who doesn't want to miss an antibiotic dose!
(Insert: ME)


Pottery Barn Kids Halloween Treat Bags.
We saw some pretty, down-right shoddy trick or treat bags this year.
(Read:  One princess was using a taped-together Victoria's Secret bag.)
But not so at PB Kids!
Yet even on Clearance, the price is still jacked.
Totally going to make my own on the cheap for next year!

Clean House in 15 Minutes per Day
Must. Take. Notes.

But seriously, very doable, right?
I especially need to get into the habit of putting things away immediately.
Super bad at that for no good reason!

And a few more fun links (because I owe ya big time)...

This was totally me yesterday. 

I have a lot of eggs and jalapenos in the fridge - contemplating this for breakfast.

46 ideas for D.I.Y. jewelry you might actually wear!

Digging these multi-textural stilettos.

I absolutely love her food blog, so this book might be a x-mas list "must"!

What an amazing, amazing nursery.

This raises a good point (and made me LOL).

Have a great weekend, loves!

~images via pinterest x 2, pottery barn kids, & organizing made fun~

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