Sorry for the lack of blogging as of late.
A LOT has been happening in the world of a + b,
both good things (new house!) and not so good things (sick baby!).
Oh, and I've officially entered into the "super pregnant stage".
More on all that to come, I hope.
But in the meantime, here's what's good this week...
Mumford and Sons
Saw them live in MKE just over a week ago,
and it was all I hoped it to be.
(Note: I was not 32 weeks pregnant and shirtless at the concert. Rats.)
Funky chandeliers.
I will need a few more for our new home!!
Love the color and structure of this one, in particular.
charcoal gray + b&w strips + gold baubles
A new twist on neutral!
Giant coloring roll
So fun!
Everyone deserves a love like this:
And a few more fun links, just for you...
A crostini party! Just pair with wine. How easy and delish!
IKEA 2014 collection. Wow!
10 veggies you can grow in the shade.
Surprising facts about parenting in India.
Purdy little candles.
Best holiday onesie. Ever.
These parenting fails made me giggle. (Probably because I'm guilty, too.)
Happy Weekend to you!
~images via,,, &