Monday, March 4, 2013


Struggling with the time constraints of a full-time job / full-time mom workload.
(Read:  Kinda hating the former right now.)
Taking a much-needed break to focus on what's really  important.
That so happens to be Biscuit and making a happy, well-fed, clean home and not necessarily focusing on my own hobbies (eg this blog) or my own appearance, for that matter.  (Bushy eyebrows, bad skin, frizzy hair, chipped nails - I'm lookin' at you!) There will be room for a little "me time" someday soon!  Or, at least I'm hoping.
Because after all, there really are only so many hours in any given day!

I hope to be back sooner than later
with more creative ideas and a fresher take on life!

In the meantime, there are loads (and loads ...) of laundry to be done,
baby food to be made,
dinners to be prepped,
rooms to clean,
lives to be saved
and babies (big and small) to be loved on!


~photos by b / images via pinterest~