Friday, August 5, 2011


It is Friday, people.

I've been working/clinical-ing my butt off since last Sunday morning.
But tonight, I will be amongst the sweaty hoards at Lollapalooza in Grant Park.
When visions of a "Taste of Chicago"-like crowd
(read: a flock of obese, sweaty, shirtless men, double-fisting fried turkey legs)
 creep into my mind,
I just close my eyes and sing Coldplay's "Fix You" until they disappear.
I'll also be armed with my own bucket of  Purell & toilet paper
to ward off the festering funk that accompanies such drunk summer festivals.

This will be the 6th time I see Coldplay LIVE with the huzz,
which almost tops the number of times I've seen 'NSYNC/JT in concert.
Almost.  ;)
Not a huuuuge fan of Coldplay's newest stuff, 
but here's a sure-to-please oldie that reminds me of our wedding day.

Look for me in the front row with my new pals, Gwyn, Moses, & Apple.
Happy Friday, m'dears!


  1. I stand corrected. It was our SEVENTH time, holy cow! Sorry, JT. And they were as amazing as ever live!
